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2020 Christmas Fun!

If you have Christmas lights/decorations at your property and/or in your window, that families can enjoy on a walk/drive and “Spot the Christmas themed loveliness”, please add your address in the comments below, which will be added to a list for downloading of those displaying festive adornments.


If you have a display, perhaps you could take a photograph and post it here for the benefit of those that don’t wish to venture out at night. These will be uploaded to our website in the Gallery.


This document will be updated as and when notifications are received.

Capel-le-Ferne Remembers 2020

Video 1 of Wreath laying Remembrance Sunday, 08.11.2020

Remembrance 2020 Wreath

Video 2 Act of Remembrance, 11.11.2020

Video 3 Act of Remembrance, 11.11.2020
Remembering the Few – at the National Memorial to the Few

Please watch this too … “It Is So Beautiful

Benefice of Alkham with Capel le Ferne and Hougham

Logo for Benefice of Alkham with Capel-le-Ferne and Hougham

Parish of Alkham with Capel le Ferne and Hougham

Services recorded at
12th Century Church of St Anthony of Pamiers, Alkham, near Dover,
St Radigund’s Church, Capel le Ferne, and
the 12th Century Church of St Laurence, Hougham near Dover,


St Anthony’s Church, Alkham

St Radigund’s Church, Capel-le-Ferne

St Radigund's Church, Capel-le-Ferne

St Laurence Church, Hougham,

St Laurence Church, Hougham

2020 Covid-19

Kent County Council’s Waste Management, with regard to the reopening of Household Waste and Recycling Centres on Friday 15th May 2020. Click link


Coronavirus NHS guidance poster


You must:

  • Stay at home
  • Not meet anyone outside your household, even friends and family
  • Only go out for essentials like food and medicine
  • Exercise daily
  • Work from home if that is possible
  • Stay two metres (three steps) apart


LINK TO  GOV.UK Coronavirus (COVID-19)


Stay at home

  • Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (but only if you cannot work from home)
  • If you go out, stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people at all times
  • Wash your hands as soon as you get home

Do not meet others, even friends or family. You can spread the virus even if you don’t have symptoms.

Scroll down on website for information and links on:

  • How to protect yourself and others
  • Employment and financial support
  • School closures, education, and childcare
  • Businesses and other organisations
  • Healthcare workers and carers
  • Travel
  • How coronavirus is affecting public services
  • How you can help
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the UK


Capt. Tom Moore, 100 on 30th April 2020
Donations to his 100th Birthday Walk for the NHS,
in aid of the NHS Charities Together Covid-19 Urgent Appeal,
raised £32,796,275

Capt. Tom Moore


8th May 2020 – VE DAY Celebrations

Thank you to all residents that took part in the day and submitted photos for our competition. Hope you all enjoyed the day.
We are pleased to confirm that our independent judges have chosen a Winner and two Runners-up to receive Sainsbury’s Gift Cards. Photos of these below.
Well done to Glen, Paula and Jennifer and Jean and family.

VE Day picture by Geoff
VE Day picture by Geoff

Nicky’s picture
VE DAY 75 picture

Acacia prepared for us all. She made all of the bunting, paper chain and other decorations herself (with the help of the printer lol) and made a VE Day picnic for us to eat in the garden, which included WW2 ration foods such as carrot cookies and cheese whirls.
Picture of Acacia preparing for VE Day

Alicia flying her flag with her pony at Hurst Farm
Alicia with her pony picture

Jennifer was learning about the different styles of art as her homeschooling topic, so she did some pop art style pictures. One is of Winston Churchill on the side window and then a spitfire scene on the front along with some symbols. On the front lawn we had a Battle of Britain Bear.
Runner up photo VE Day 75 Runner up photoe of VE Day 75

Pam and Jim had Cherry & Keith stop by on their afternoon walkabout.
You could hear the Glenn Miller belting out of the windows!!
VE DAY 75 picture VE DAY 75 picture

Delia, paying her respect, then Cream Tea and Cake shared with neighbours.
Delia paying respects picture Delia's Tea Party Photo

Delia's Tea Party Photo Delia's Tea Party Photo Delia's Tea Party Photo

Parkes VE Celebrations complete with Vera Lynn and homemade flags!
VE DAY 75 picture VE DAY 75 picture

Denise’s decorations and bunting

John and Elaine bring out the bunting
VE DAY 75 picture

Gemma being patriotic and with a box of goodies
VE DAY 75 picture VE DAY 75 picture

Vernice and family celebrate VE Day.  Teenage children helped in making all the decorations, and celebrated in the garden with a BBQ and of course the cake ?  Photos and medals are of my grandparents.
VE DAY 75 picture VE DAY 75 picture VE DAY 75 picture

Linda, Barry and Neighbours – Front Garden Party
VE DAY 75 picture
VE DAY 75 picture VE DAY 75 picture

VE DAY 75 picture VE DAY 75 picture

Lynda, Jo, Brenda and Martyn – Decorations and Garden Party with Neighbours.
VE DAY 75 picture VE DAY 75 picture VE DAY 75 picture VE DAY 75 picture

John’s Decorations
VE DAY 75 picture VE DAY 75 picture

Jane, Family and Neighbours – Drive Party
Runner up photo VE Day 75 Runner up photo VE Day 75 Runner up photo VE Day 75 Runner up photo VE Day 75 Runner up photo VE Day 75

Justine’s Decoration and Family
VE DAY 75 picture

Katie’s Decorations
VE DAY 75 picture

Marilyn and Peter – Decorations and Garden Party
VE DAY 75 picture VE DAY 75 picture

Glen and Neighbours Decorations
Runner up photo VE Day 75
VE DAY 75 picture VE DAY 75 picture

Keith and Suzanne – Garden Party
VE DAY 75 picture VE DAY 75 picture VE DAY 75 picture VE DAY 75 picture VE DAY 75 picture

Nicky’s large Union Jack
VE DAY 75 picture

Channel Island Liberation Day 9th May, so Philippa is flying the Guernsey and Jersey flags.
VE DAY 75 picture

Happy VE Day to all the pupils I’ve taught at Capel-le-Ferne Primary School. This was the flag we never had a chance to put up!
A lovely school, which I had the privilege of teaching at. From Mr. G.
(Not in Capel)

VE DAY 75 picture

Maureen (Parish Clerk), also took part
❤️?????❤️?????❤️?????❤️?????❤️?????❤️ TO ALL MY FAMILY & FRIENDS – WE ” WILL” MEET AGAIN!
HAPPY VE DAY 75th ANNIVERSARY. Take Care and Stay Safe. … Without this man, we would not be here today. Lest we forget! DAD … This is a hug from us all, to let you know we are thinking of you. We will remember you!!
Her very own Garden Tea Party. Alone but with many memories. ❤️?????❤️?????❤️?????❤️?????❤️???
VE DAY 75 picture  VE DAY 75 picture

Remembering the Few – at the National Memorial to the Few
Special VE Day Facebook at 11am, Friday, 8th May 2020, commemorating the 75th anniversary of VE Day with a ceremonial wreath laying, by Site Manager Jules Gomez. VIDEO LINK ON LAYING OF WREATH.
Battle of Britain Memorial Trust picture of BoB

Thank you to everyone who sent in photos of their celebrations on the VE Day 75th Anniversary and will be judged by an independent member of the Community. WIN SAINSBURY’S GIFT CARDS
* There is a £25 One (1) for the winner and * £15 each for two (2) runners-up.
Hope you all had a wonderful day!

VE DAY 75 poster VE DAY 75 poster
VE DAY 75 poster VE DAY 75 poster

VE DAY 75 balloon picture VE DAY 75 Collage pictureVE DAY 75 cancellation of events picture

2020 Bears, Rainbows, Easter/Egg & Other

All 57 people/households displayed Rainbows, Bears, Easter Eggs and Other items in their windows and on our website.
very BIG thank you to all.
Each person/household was issued a number and an independent member of the community choose 10 numbers accordingly.
5 Easter Eggs have been donated by
Primary Technologies: Website:
and 5 Easter Eggs have been donated by Capel-le-Ferne Parish Council.
All the lucky winners were notified and those winners and their contributions can be seen below or on our website galllery page




Going on a Bear Hunt, Book by Michael Rosen, click following link
If you do go out on your Bear Hunt (permitted daily exercise) in Capel-le-Ferne, count how many you find.

Post from Pip … Well done Capel!
And massive thanks to all the NHS and front line staff ????❤️❤️❤️
To view video click link here

Posted from Laura 
To view video click link here

Posted by Matt:
To view video click link here

Posted by Gary: Well done to everyone who clapped and cheered for the nhs ????
at 8 o clock and a big thank you to the provider of the fireworks.

Posted by Melanie: Princess Little Beau Betty thanking NHS and Carers ???              
To view video click link here

Posted from Patricia (Sister’s pictures, she’s autistic). 

Well done to Rachel. Very good.     Gold star to you 

Posted from Ellen:  

Posted by Capel-le-Ferne Preschool:
    Posted by Capel-le-Ferne Preschool: Fibbers is waving at passers by ?

Posted by Acacia: rainbow picture, now in our front window.
Hopefully lovely people of Capel may have spot them whilst doing their one exercise a day outside or passing by.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Patricia-Acacia-Pierce-Winner.jpg

Posted by Reuben:
Hopefully lovely people of Capel may have spot them whilst doing their one exercise a day outside or passing by.

Posted by Nicky: All up.

Post by April from Old Dover Road

Posted by Charlie: We have ours up in Beatrice!

Posted by Martin.  Not very obvious but hopefully will be spotted!  

Posted by P:

Posted by Angela:
Posted from Angela: He’s only small. Can you find him?!

Posted from Wendy Bear ! 

Posted by Jules: 
As I am on site (The Wing – BoB), I thought I would send you the attached photo
showing the Capel Rainbow and Bob the Pilot Dog – not a bear but Bob is cool!
As can be seen form the attached, Bob the dog has called up some reservists and there is a full Squadron on display.

Posted by Steve:

Posted by Bruce: From B&L in Helena, sending our love and hope to all in the NHS

Posted by Bob & Winnie: friendly creatures who look out from our home in Albany.

Posted by Lisa:

Posted by Neil:

Posted by Jan: Teddy John looking out for children.
Ladybird seen in garden. 

Posted by Keith: You don’t have to have kids in the house either!
There is an age gap of 66 years between these bears, the big one is 69 years and the small one 3, made by my daughter.
Her website is Emma Jane Bears.

  Link post from Keith:   April in the Garden

Posted by Adrian:  Old Ted who is 67 and
NEW TED awaiting to go to our new Grandson in Brighton when its safe to travel.

Posted by Pamela: I am 85 years old, my name is Ted. Much loved.?

Posted from Marilyn: Bears in our window to join in the fun
  Posted from Marilyn:  How lucky we are to live here.

Posted by Kathryn: Teddies spotting friends walking past

Posted from Victor, oops meant Barry!  
Good turn out in Elizabeth Drive for the “clapathon” and it was Hanna birthday, so we all sang happy birthday ?

Posted by Carolyn of Misty and Harry joining the throng

Posted from Chris and Dave. A wave from Snowbear, he loves the sunshine!

Posted from Chris & Dave. Springtime in Capel Le Ferne

Posted from Lynne of Bert and Doris in Capel Street

Posted from Jane in Helena

Posted from Lisa:  Hello from Avondale.

Posted from Sarah:  He is almost 50 but “bearing” up! ?

Posted from Susie. We live at the bottom of the hill so not quite in Capel but I hope that’s not
too important!!  A bear on watch at the front of the house and two on lookout upstairs!    

Posted from Julie: Guess where I live.

Posted from Jodie:

Posted from Jacqueline: Heron and Huggy say “Hello” from Avondale:

Posted from Philippa: 

Posted from Bernard:
Some showed Teddy Bears, some showed rainbows.

We did something different.

Posted from Roger:   
He is not a bear but wants to join in. Where does he live?   Posted from Chris – Spotted this one today..he lives next to Winnie The Pooh 🙂
    Posted from Roger:
Hi Guys just had delivered an exercise bike so as to complement my bike.
Now have no excuse not to exercise in bad weather! Also in this sunny weather the garden has never looked so tidy! 
A picture of my wood burning stove my son who lives in a flat in Stockholm loves to be cosy in front of an open fire.
So have sent him a video of 20 minutes of a burning fire to look at in the winter months!
Keep safe warm and healthy everybody.

Posted from Chris:   

Posted from Nicky: Look up high!    

Posted from Lesley: Brighten’s up the front room?   

Posted by Sue:  

Posted by Sharon:  

Posted by Lynda:    

Posted by Dawn:    

Posted by Ted !    

Posted by Samantha:  
Stressed bear or drunk? He was the right way up to begin with,
then Graham got his hands on the poor thing!!!

Posted by Bill: 
My bears are in my window Capel Street. Hope this will cheer up any passers by.


Posted by Jane:    
Bears (Melvin and Godiva),rainbow pictures in windows at Capel Street. X
Posted by Glen and Wendy:  
Wasn’t going to put our ‘Easter Tree ‘ up this year as my grandsons can’t visit
but we thought it might brighten the place up amongst all the doom and gloom!!! ???
Posted from Christine. This is Freddie watching over Capel.    
Hope he brightens someone’s day. ?

Link post from John:   
New Foxtrot Serenaders

Post from John – Teddy in Albany

Posted by Jo: